"Economic interventionism is any action taken by a government, beyond the basic regulation of fraud and enforcement of contracts, in an effort to affect its own economy. Economic intervention can be aimed at a variety of political or economic objectives, such as promoting economic growth, increasing employment, raising wages, raising or reducing prices, promoting equality, managing the money supply and interest rates, or addressing market failures. The intervention may to direct, or indirect as in the case of indicative planning. When this economic planning is extensive, the economy is referred to as a planned economy".
És especialment aclaridora, al meu entendre, la primera frase. Així doncs, "regulació" sí, depèn i sempre amb mesura i criteri econòmic, però "intervencionisme" no, mai.
1 comentari:
No te'n lliuraràs tan fàcilment...
Si l'intervencionisma pot portar a "economic growth, increasing employment, raising wages", tot coses desitjables en temps de crisis, quin és el problema? Quin són els seus efectes negatius, que la teva cita de la wikipèdia no menciona?
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